Who We Are
Mulberry Rural, Rural Practice Chartered Surveyors and Land Agents, have over 25 years’ experience in the profession.
Our Surveyor, Kevin Burree, is a member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), and RICS Registered Valuer, a Fellow of the Central Association of Agricultural Valuers (FAAV), a Fellow of the Agricultural Law Association (FALA) and a Professional Member of the Institute of Agricultural Management (PMIAgrM). Kevin is also an RICS Assessment of Professional Competence (APC) Assessor and Chairman.

What We Do
We genuinely care about you and your land and property. We want you to get the best possible outcome, so we work hard to give you valuable and accurate advice.
We have a deep understanding of the demands, pressures and problems which can arise around rural land and property.
When you work with us, we get to know you on a personal level, listen to the issues you are facing and provide the services you need.
Services including:

Land Occupation
Whether you are a landlord or tenant, we provide advice on tenancy matters for agreements under the Agricultural Holdings Act 1986 and the Agricultural Tenancies Act 1995 including the preparation and management of agreements. We also advise on succession, surrenders and regrants of tenancies under the Agricultural Holdings Act 1986. We can also prepare seasonal grazing and/or mowing licences and other forms of short term agreements for grazing or alternative uses.

Farm & Land Management
We advise landowners on ways to maximise the profitability of joint ventures, including contract and share farming agreements. In addition we manage land and tenancies, rent collection and liaising with other third parties as required.

Utility Schemes, Compulsory Purchase & Compensation, Telecoms, Wayleaves & Easements
When approached by private companies or statutory undertakers regarding utilities schemes, telecoms masts, site compounds, access requirements including site surveys and other undertakings we can act on your behalf to protect your interest, negotiate compensation and agree reinstatement.
Agents fees are usually borne by party seeking the interest in land together with VAT if the claimant is not VAT registered.

Mulberry Rural undertake valuations of agricultural and rural land and buildings, livestock and deadstock for all purposes. Most commonly, valuations are carried out for year-end farm stocktaking for Income Tax purposes, Inheritance Tax and Capital Gains Tax. We liaise with other professional advisors and statutory bodies regarding as required.
We are RICS registered valuers and all valuations comply with professional valuation standards.
Planning & Development (including Renewables)
We advise on the preparation and submission of rural planning applications and appeals including the construction of new agricultural buildings, change of use applications for buildings, creation of new accesses, manages, stables and dog walking areas.
Mulberry Rural also advise on option and promotion agreements together with conditional contracts working alongside other parties and professional advisors as required. The renewables market continues to grow offering opportunities to landowners.

Sales and Purchase of Farms & Land
Advising on marketing land and property to maximise the value, we have close working relationships with national firms working with buyers, sellers, their advisors and solicitors from instruction through to completion of a transaction and handover.
We deal with a wide spectrum of property ranging from accesses and driveways to paddocks and small parcels through to larger blocks of land with or without buildings and farms.

Advising New Land Owners & Occupiers
For those new to farming or rural land ownership Mulberry Rural offer advice on statutory requirements and can assist in setting up with all the relevant government agencies including becoming a livestock keeper.
We can also advise on appropriate tenancies, licences, joint venture agreements, grant funding opportunities and implications for change of use of land and buildings.

Basic Payment Scheme
2023 was the last application under the scheme. The Rural Payments Agency has announced that decoupled payments will be made from 2024 to 2027 when the scheme ends. There are still matters to deal with relating to the Basic Payment Scheme including checking reference amounts, which can also be transferred and legacy issues. Basic Payment Scheme entitlements will cease to exist.
Countryside Stewardship Scheme
Countryside Stewardship rewards landowners and occupiers for conserving natural habitats, managing flood risk, and preserving historical features of the landscape. We advise you on how to apply for Mid and Higher tier stewardship schemes (including capital grants), prepare annual revenue and capital claims and transferring agreements following a change of land occupation.
Countryside Stewardship is to be retained and form the second tier of the Environmental Land Management Scheme.
Environmental Land Management Scheme (ELMS)
Three new tiers under the Environmental Land Management Scheme forming the main future schemes are emerging to replace the Basic Payment Scheme and enhance the existing Countryside Stewardship Scheme:
- Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) – The Pilot was launched in 2021 followed by the SFI 2022 with 3 standards. Holders of SFI 2022 agreements will be given notice to terminate their agreement and they will then be able to enter into SFI 2023 which was launched on 18th September 2023 on a controlled roll out before being opened up. SFI 2023 comprises 23 actions. Further actions are due to be added in 2024.
SFI offers 3 year agreements with quarterly payments, a £20/hectare management payment up to 50 hectares and options can be added to an agreement on the 1st and 2nd anniversary. - Countryside Stewardship & Countryside Stewardship Plus – The existing Countryside Stewardship scheme is to be retained and enhanced.
- Landscape Recovery – Is for large long term projects on areas in excess of 500 hectares. An initial round was launched in 2022 with 22 projects selected. Applications for Round 2 ran from May to September 2023.
Farming Investment Fund
The Farming Investment Fund includes a number of different elements:
Farming Equipment and Technology Fund (FETF) 2023
There are 2 themes for 2023, Productivity and Slurry and Animal Health and Welfare. Application windows for both pathways have closed for 2023. The grant is competitive.
Farming Transformation Fund (FTF)
Provides grants towards large capital items to help businesses improve productivity, profitability, and environmental sustainability. There are 4 elements:
- Slurry Infrastructure.
- Adding Value. The first round opened in December 2022 and closed in January 2023. A number of projects were taken forward. There are plans for a further 2 rounds in late 2023 and in 2024.
- Water Management.
- Improving Farm Productivity.
Emerging Land Uses and Markets
As a result of Brexit and the phasing out of legacy EU support scheme, agricultural policy is focused not solely on food production but on delivering environmental benefit with ‘public money for public goods’. The Environment Act which became law on 10th November 2021 created a range of powers aiming to assist the Government in meeting its long-term, legally binding environmental targets to improve air and water quality, protect wildlife, increase waste recycling and reduce plastics.
Natural Capital includes a range of potential income sources from carbon sequestered from soil, woodland and peatland to the enhancement or creation of new habitat resulting in biodiversity net gain which will require developers to contribute a 10% net gain on biodiversity on developments (with some limited exemptions and thresholds) when it becomes law in November 2023 although it is already being developed and being required by some Councils.
The emerging future income sources in turn it is leading to the creation of markets for environmental credits, carbon, biodiversity net gain and nitrate offsets which are currently unregulated with intended minimal intervention and control by the government. However the Woodland Carbon Guarantee scheme is a £50 million scheme backed by the government and aims to help accelerate woodland planting rates and develop the domestic market for woodland carbon for the permanent removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. It provides the option to sell captured carbon in the form of verified carbon credits, called Woodland Carbon Units (WCUs), to the government for a guaranteed price every 5 or 10 years up to 2055/56.
Land Occupation

Whether you are a landlord or tenant, we provide advice on tenancy matters for agreements under the Agricultural Holdings Act 1986 and the Agricultural Tenancies Act 1995 including the preparation and management of agreements. We also advise on succession, surrenders and regrants of tenancies under the Agricultural Holdings Act 1986. We can also prepare seasonal grazing and/or mowing licences and other forms of short term agreements for grazing or alternative uses.
Farm & Land Management

We advise landowners on ways to maximise the profitability of joint ventures, including contract and share farming agreements. In addition we manage land and agreements including rent collection and liaising with other third parties as required.
Utility Schemes, Compulsory Purchase & Compensation, Telecoms, Wayleaves & Easements

When approached by private companies or statutory undertakers regarding utilities schemes, telecoms masts, site compounds, access requirements including site surveys and other undertakings we can act on your behalf to protect your interest, negotiate compensation and agree reinstatement.
Agents fees are usually borne by party seeking the interest in land together with VAT if the claimant is not VAT registered.

Mulberry Rural undertake valuations of agricultural and rural land and buildings, livestock and deadstock for all purposes. Most commonly, valuations are carried out for year-end farm stocktaking for Income Tax purposes, Inheritance Tax and Capital Gains Tax. We liaise with other professional advisors and statutory bodies regarding as required.
We are RICS registered valuers and all valuations comply with professional valuation standards.
Planning & Development (including Renewables)

We advise on the preparation and submission of rural planning applications and appeals including the construction of new agricultural buildings, change of use applications for buildings, creation of new accesses, manages, stables and dog walking areas.
Mulberry Rural also advise on option and promotion agreements together with conditional contracts working alongside other parties and professional advisors as required. The renewables market continues to grow offering opportunities to landowners.
Sales and Purchase of Farms & Land

Advising on marketing land and property to maximise the value, we have close working relationships with national firms working with buyers, sellers, their advisors and solicitors from instruction through to completion of a transaction and handover.
We deal with a wide spectrum of property ranging from accesses and driveways to paddocks and small parcels through to larger blocks of land with or without buildings and farms.
Advising New Land Owners
& Occupiers

For those new to farming or rural land ownership Mulberry Rural offer advice on statutory requirements and can assist in setting up with all the relevant government agencies including becoming a livestock keeper.
We can also advise on appropriate tenancies, licences, joint venture agreements, grant funding opportunities and implications for change of use of land and buildings.
Basic Payment Scheme

2023 was the last application under the scheme. The Rural Payments Agency has announced that decoupled payments will be made from 2024 to 2027 when the scheme ends. There are still matters to deal with relating to the Basic Payment Scheme including checking reference amounts, which can also be transferred and legacy issues. Basic Payment Scheme entitlements will cease to exist.
Countryside Stewardship Scheme

Countryside Stewardship rewards landowners and occupiers for conserving natural habitats, managing flood risk, and preserving historical features of the landscape. We advise you on how to apply for Mid and Higher tier stewardship schemes (including capital grants), prepare annual revenue and capital claims and transferring agreements following a change of land occupation.
Countryside Stewardship is to be retained and form the second tier of the Environmental Land Management Scheme.
Environmental Land Management Scheme (ELMS)

Three new tiers under the Environmental Land Management Scheme forming the main future schemes are emerging to replace the Basic Payment Scheme and enhance the existing Countryside Stewardship Scheme:
- Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) – The Pilot was launched in 2021 followed by the SFI 2022 with 3 standards. Holders of SFI 2022 agreements will be given notice to terminate their agreement and they will then be able to enter into SFI 2023 which was launched on 18th September 2023 on a controlled roll out before being opened up. SFI 2023 comprises 23 actions. Further actions are due to be added in 2024.
SFI offers 3 year agreements with quarterly payments, a £20/hectare management payment up to 50 hectares and options can be added to an agreement on the 1st and 2nd anniversary. - Countryside Stewardship & Countryside Stewardship Plus – The existing Countryside Stewardship scheme is to be retained and enhanced.
- Landscape Recovery – Is for large long term projects on areas in excess of 500 hectares. An initial round was launched in 2022 with 22 projects selected. Applications for Round 2 ran from May to September 2023.
Farming Investment Fund

The Farming Investment Fund includes a number of different elements:
Farming Equipment and Technology Fund (FETF) 2023
There are 2 themes for 2023, Productivity and Slurry and Animal Health and Welfare. Application windows for both pathways have closed for 2023. The grant is competitive.
Farming Transformation Fund (FTF)
Provides grants towards large capital items to help businesses improve productivity, profitability, and environmental sustainability. There are 4 elements:
- Slurry Infrastructure.
- Adding Value. The first round opened in December 2022 and closed in January 2023. A number of projects were taken forward. There are plans for a further 2 rounds in late 2023 and in 2024.
- Water Management.
- Improving Farm Productivity.
Farming Equipment and Technology Fund (FETF) 2023
There are 2 themes for 2023, Productivity and Slurry and Animal Health and Welfare. Application windows for both pathways have closed for 2023. The grant is competitive.
Farming Transformation Fund (FTF)
Provides grants towards large capital items to help businesses improve productivity, profitability, and environmental sustainability. There are 4 elements:
- Slurry Infrastructure.
- Adding Value. The first round opened in December 2022 and closed in January 2023. A number of projects were taken forward. There are plans for a further 2 rounds in late 2023 and in 2024.
- Water Management.
- Improving Farm Productivity.
Emerging Land Uses and Markets

As a result of Brexit and the phasing out of legacy EU support scheme, agricultural policy is focused not solely on food production but on delivering environmental benefit with ‘public money for public goods’. The Environment Act which became law on 10th November 2021 created a range of powers aiming to assist the Government in meeting its long-term, legally binding environmental targets to improve air and water quality, protect wildlife, increase waste recycling and reduce plastics.
Natural Capital includes a range of potential income sources from carbon sequestered from soil, woodland and peatland to the enhancement or creation of new habitat resulting in biodiversity net gain which will require developers to contribute a 10% net gain on biodiversity on developments (with some limited exemptions and thresholds) when it becomes law in November 2023 although it is already being developed and being required by some Councils.
The emerging future income sources in turn it is leading to the creation of markets for environmental credits, carbon, biodiversity net gain and nitrate offsets which are currently unregulated with intended minimal intervention and control by the government. However the Woodland Carbon Guarantee scheme is a £50 million scheme backed by the government and aims to help accelerate woodland planting rates and develop the domestic market for woodland carbon for the permanent removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. It provides the option to sell captured carbon in the form of verified carbon credits, called Woodland Carbon Units (WCUs), to the government for a guaranteed price every 5 or 10 years up to 2055/56.
Why You Can Trust Us.

We have developed long-term working relationships with many of our clients, during which we get to know them personally. We develop a detailed knowledge and understanding of their businesses and put their best interests at the heart of everything we do.
Working with land and property often requires discretion. Sensitive issues can arise which need careful handling.
Regardless of the circumstances or the sensitivity of an issue, Mulberry Rural will act as a reliable third party. Our aim is also to dispel tensions and reach an amicable outcome which suits all parties.
completed property sales
Old Windsor, Berkshire
We were pleased to be involved in marketing a well established grassland in a rarely available location at College Farm, Old Windsor, Berkshire.
Extending to about 67.32 aces (27.26 hectares), this three parcel land borders Windsor Great Park in places to the North.
Sold by private treaty.

Beenham, nr Reading
We were involved in the joint marketing and sale of a block of mainly pasture land extending to approximately 85 acres (34.40 hectares) by private treaty in 2021.

Finchampstead, nr Wokingham
Having advised on the valuation for Inheritance Tax, Mulberry Rural assisted in the joint marketing and sale of a small holding extending to 10.5 acres (4.28 hectares) in 2021 which sold substantially in excess of the guide price of £750,000.

Burghfield, nr Reading
Mulberry Rural assisted as joint selling agent in the marketing and sale of a 156.2 acres (63.25 hectares) farm at Burghfield, Berkshire.
We provided a marketing appraisal with advice on the value of the property and lotting for sale. Once instructed, we were involved in marketing the property, dealing with enquiries and offers, advising on offers received, advising on all other practical matters relating to the sale. We also arranged for a farm machinery dispersal sale and ensured that the farm buildings were cleared prior to completion.
The farm was brought to the market in summer 2018. It was successfully sold by private treaty in four lots at the guide price of £2,600,000.

Contact Mulberry Rural Today.
If you’re an agricultural or rural land and property owner or occupier and need advice from an experienced Rural Practice Chartered Surveyor, get in touch today.